MKS Toolkit - Running / Porting UNIX to Windows

MKS AlertCentre 2.03 Problems Fixed

For convenience, the following abbreviations are used in the following tables:

AC MKS AlertCentre

MKS AlertCentre Problems Fixed

Problem Applies To Description
CFS 23712ACODBC action does not allow for a random ADO query
CFS 22141ACADO and ODBC monitors need a way to treat data as a number or a string
CFS 24507ACneed a meta variable for the status of an action
CFS 24326AChour is off by one after editing trigger
CFS 24327ACerror occurs when using the wizard to create Windows Server monitors
CFS 24328ACerror occurs when creating memory utilization monitors
CFS 24657ACreskit installer custom dll has many Lsa* and Net* calls

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