PTC MKS Toolkit Knowledge Base

Product:MKS Toolkit (All)
Keywords:terminal, server, sp4, 2003, 2000
Category:Porting/Knowledge Base

Why does my application using the NuTCRACKER Platform on Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2000 SP4, when run as a non-administrator, exits immediately and leaves no messages in the event log?

Microsoft added a new security feature to Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2000 SP4. SeCreateGlobalPrivilege or "Create global objects" privilege.

Since the NuTCRACKER service needs to access some global objects created by applications on the NuTCRACKER Platform, a user trying to run a NuTCRACKER application will also need to have privileges to "create global objects". This user or group of users who will run your application needs to be added to the list of objects that will have this privilege. On Windows 2003, this is done via Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy - Local Policy -> User Rights Assignment -> Create global objects property.

MKS Software is considering other solutions to the problem for forthcoming releases.