PTC MKS Toolkit Knowledge Base

Product:MKS Toolkit (All)
Keywords:connectivity, secure shell, xterm, telnet, remote

How can the PTC MKS Toolkit products help with UNIX and Windows interoperability?

The PTC MKS Toolkit product family includes the following interoperability features:

  • X servers, for displaying on your Windows machines X Windows applications running on your UNIX machines.

  • A telnet server, for remote login to a Windows machine, useful for remote system administration and hundreds of other tasks.

  • Remote shell utilities and daemons, such as rsh/rshd, rexec/rexecd, rcp, and rlogin/rlogind for remote access to and from Windows and legacy machines.

  • Secure shell utilities and daemons, such as secsh/secshd, scp, sftp, and sftp-service for secure remote access to and from Windows and legacy machines.

  • File transfer utilities, such as sftp, tar, cpio, and pax, for moving files and data back and forth between machines.