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MKS Toolkit for System Administrators
MKS Toolkit for Developers
MKS Toolkit for Interoperability
MKS Toolkit for Professional Developers
MKS Toolkit for Enterprise Developers

Power User Utilities
Developer Utilities
Connectivity Suite

Commands in the Developer Utilities Runtime

The various PTC MKS Toolkit Interoperability products include different subsets of commands and utilities. Click the product link on the right to view the product-specific command lists.

*   denotes a Shell built-in
†   denotes a groff command
‡   denotes a command which requires an X Server
§   denotes a command that applies only to NuTCRACKER Platform applications
¥   denotes a command whose binary and source code can be found in the Samples directory of the CD distribution or in the Resource Kit and is an example of porting UNIX source code with PTC MKS Toolkit for Enterprise Developers

. * — execute KornShell script in current environment
: * — expand arguments and do nothing, successfully
[ * — test for condition
[[ * — test for condition
64decode.exe — decode a file using base64
64encode.exe — encode a file using base64
a2p.exe — awk to perl translator
alias * — display or create command aliases
appc.ksh — arbitrary precision programmable calculator
appres.exe ‡ — list X application resource database
ar.exe — create and maintain library archives
asa.exe — interpret ASA/FORTRAN carriage control
assoc.ksh — set file extension association
at.exe — execute commands at a later time
atobm.exe ‡ — bitmap editor and converter for the X Window System
autoload * — display or modify Shell functions
autorun.ksh — specify programs to run on bootup or login under Win32
awk.exe — data transformation, report generation language
awkc.exe — compile AWK programs into executables
banner.exe — display text in large font
basename * — display file name component of path name
basename.exe — display file name component of path name
bash.exe — Bourne Again shell and command interpreter
batch.exe — execute commands at a later time
bc.exe — arbitrary-precision arithmetic calculation language
bdiff.exe — compare two text files and show differences
bindres.exe — encode resources and insert them into a specified text file
bitmap.exe ‡ — bitmap editor and converter for the X Window System
bmtoa.exe ‡ — bitmap editor and converter for the X Window System
break * — exit from loop in a KornShell script
builtin * — execute a simple command
bunzip2.exe — compress or decompress files using block-sorting
bz2cat.exe — compress or decompress files using block-sorting — compare bzip2 compressed files — compare bzip2 compressed files — search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression — search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression — search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzip2.exe — compress or decompress files using block-sorting
bzip2recover.exe — compress or decompress files using block-sorting — display bzip2 compressed files on a page-by-page basis — display bzip2 compressed files on a page-by-page basis
c.exe — produce multi-column output
cal.exe — display a calendar for a month or year
calendar.exe — appointment reminder system
cat.exe — concatenate and display text files
cc.exe — interface to Microsoft C compiler (MKS Toolkit UNIX APIs)
cd * — change working directory
cdate.exe — converts a date and time in traditional format and displays it as seconds since midnight on January 1, 1970
chacl.exe — change the access control list on Windows NT/2000 objects
chgrp.exe — change the group ownership of files and/or directories
chmod * — change access permissions of a file
chmod.exe — change access permissions of a file
chown.exe — change the ownership of files and/or directories
cksum.exe — compute checksum and byte count for file
clear.exe — clear screen
cmp.exe — compare two files
col.exe — remove reverse line-feeds
color.exe — set default foreground and background colors for console window
comm.exe — compare sorted files and show differences
command * — execute a simple command
compress.exe — Lempel-Ziv compression of a file; no longer supported
continue * — skip to next iteration of loop in shell script
cp.exe — copy files
cpio.exe — archiver to copy and back up files
cpp.exe — C preprocessor
cppstdin.ksh — run a C preprocessor on the standard input stream
crontab.exe — schedule regular background jobs
crypt.exe — encryption/decryption filter
csh.exe — C shell, a shell (command interpreter) with C-like syntax
csplit.exe — split a text file according to criteria
ctags.exe — produce tags file for ex, more and vi
ctime.exe — formats and displays dates
cut.exe — selectively display fields or characters from input lines
date * — set and display date and time
date.exe — set and display date and time
db.exe — send SQL queries to a database via ODBC
dc.exe — arbitrary precision desk calculator
dd.exe — copy and convert input blocks
dde.exe — perform DDE client operations
declare * — assign attributes and values to Shell variables
deroff.exe — remove nroff/troff formatter commands, prepare word list
desktop.exe — simple command line desktop manipulation
dev.exe — display device driver information
df.exe — display amount of free space remaining on disk
dgstsum — create and check message digests
diff.exe — compare two text files and show differences
diff3.exe — compare three text files
diffb.exe — compare binary files and show differences
diffh.exe — compare two text files and show differences
dircmp.exe — compare directories
dirname * — display directory components of path name
dirname.exe — display directory components of path name
dirs * — display all elements in the directory stack
dlg * — load and manage Windows dialog boxes
domain.exe — display Windows NT/2000 domain information
dosname.exe — display the short name (8.3) or long name equivalent of file names
du.exe — summarize file space usage
echo * — display arguments
echo.exe — display arguments
ed.exe — line-oriented text editor
editres.exe ‡ — a dynamic resource editor for X applications
egrep.exe — match patterns in a file
encode_keychange.exe — Internal SSH command
env.exe — display environment, set environment for process
eval * — evaluate arguments in the KornShell
eventlog.exe — read, write, backup, enumerate, count, clear, and display an event log
ex.exe — text editor
exec * — execute a command in place of the current shell
exit * — exit from the KornShell
expand.exe — expand tabs to spaces
export * — mark names for export
expr.exe — evaluate expression
false * — fail, quietly
false.exe — fail, quietly
fc * — display, fix, edit and re-enter previous KornShell commands
fgrep.exe — match patterns in a file
file.exe — determine file type
filebox.exe — display an open or save dialog box
filever.exe — display file version information
find.exe — find files within file tree
flip.exe — convert text files between UNIX style and PC style
fmt.exe — simple text formatter
fold.exe — break lines into shorter lines
fping.exe — send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
fsinfo.exe ‡ — X font server information utility
fslsfonts.exe ‡ — list fonts served by X font server
fstobdf.exe ‡ — generate BDF font from X font server
ftype.ksh — set file type association
functions * — display or modify KornShell functions
gdf.ksh — graphically display the amount of free space remaining on a disk
gdir * — graphically display and manage the current directory stack
gencat.exe — generate formatted message catalog
getconf.exe — display POSIX configuration information
getopt.exe — external command to parse shell file options
getopts * — parse options from shell script command line
ghist * — display and manage command history from a scrollable dialog box
gps.ksh — display and manage process statuses in a scrollable dialog box
grconfig.ksh — graphically configures the rshd and rexecd services
grep.exe — match patterns in a file
gres.exe — substitute for a pattern in a file
groupinfo.exe — manipulate Windows NT/2000 group information
gset * — graphically define KornShell settings
gunzip.exe ¥ — compress or expand files
gvar * — graphically view or define KornShell variables, parameters, functions, and aliases
gzcat.exe ¥ — compress or expand files
gzip.exe ¥ — compress or expand files
halt.exe — shut down the system
hash * — create a tracked alias
hd.exe — formatted file dump
head.exe — display first part of file
help.exe — display brief command explanations
hist * — display, fix, edit and re-enter previous KornShell commands
history * — display shell command history
htdiff.exe — compare two HTML files and display differences
htsplit.exe — split an HTML file into tokens — strip tags from HTML file
iceauth.exe ‡ — ICE authority file utility
iconv.exe — convert characters from one code set to another
id.exe — display user and group names
imapmail.exe — retrieve, delete, and display mail messages from IMAP format mailboxes
infocmp.exe — compare or print out terminfo descriptions infocmp - compare or print out terminfo descriptions
integer * — declare an integer variable
ipcrm.exe § — remove message queue, semaphore, or shared memory identifiers
ipcs.exe § — display information about active IPC facilities
jobs * — display the status of jobs in the current session
join.exe — join two sorted, textual relational databases
kill * — terminate process
kill.exe — terminate process
ksh.exe — POSIX-compliant (Korn) shell and command interpreter
lc.exe — list file system elements in categories
ld.exe — interface to system linker
let * — evaluate arithmetic expressions
line.exe — copy one line of standard input
ln.exe — create a link to a file
local * — assign attributes and values to Shell variables
logname.exe — display user name
look.exe — find lines in a sorted file which begin with string
ls.exe — list file and directory names and attributes
lsacl.exe — list access control lists for object
lsshare.exe — list details of shares, computers, and network resources
m4.exe — macro processing language
mailx.exe — read electronic mail
make.exe — maintain program-generated and interdependent files
man.exe — display online reference pages
manstrip.exe — strip the unprintable sequences out of online reference pages — send mail on a Win32 system using the MSMapi32 ActiveX COM object
md2sum — create and check message digests
md4sum — create and check message digests
md5sum — create and check message digests
mdc2sum — create and check message digests
member.exe — manipulate Windows NT/2000 group membership
miniperl.exe — practical extraction and report language
mkcatdefs.exe — preprocess a message file
mkdir * — create a new directory
mkdir.exe — create a new directory
mkfifo.exe § — create FIFO special files
mks_env* — save, restore, and delete shell environments
mksauth.exe — password authentication service
mksdiag.exe — check MKS Toolkit configuration
mkshare.exe — create share
mksinfo.exe — display product serial number and other MKS information
mksrv — run program or script as service
mkszip.exe — compress a file
mktemp — create unique temporary file
mkurl.exe — create or modify a URL based on its component parts
more.exe — display files on a page-by-page basis
mount.exe — mounts file systems
msgbox.exe — display a message box and get response from user
mt.exe — magnetic tape control
mv.exe — rename and move files and directories
ncoeenv.exe — NuTCRACKER Workstation environment
netnews.exe — send and receive network news messages
nl.exe — number lines
nm.exe — display symbol table of object, library, or executable file
ntps.exe — display process status
oclock.exe ‡ — round X clock
od.exe — formatted file dump
openssl.exe — OpenSSL command line tool
pack.exe — compress files by Huffman encoding
passwd.exe — change a password
paste.exe — horizontally concatenate lines
patch.exe — change file using diff output
pathchk.exe — check path names
pax.exe — archiver for data interchange and file backup
pcat.exe — display Huffman packed files on standard output — display file operations due to occur at reboot
perl.exe — practical extraction and report language
perror.exe — print error message for NuTCRACKER Platform error code
pg.exe — interactively display files
pop3mail.exe — retrieve, delete, and display mail messages from POP3 format mailboxes
popd * — remove an element from the directory stack
portcheck.exe — scan ports to verify if they are in use and whether HTTP, FTP, SMTP, or telnet sessions exist on those ports
pr.exe — display and format files
print * — display arguments from the KornShell
printenv.exe — display environment variables and their values
printf * — display a formatted string
printf.exe — display a formatted string
priv.exe — manipulate rights/privileges lists
process.exe § — report NuTCRACKER Platform process information
proxymngr.exe ‡ — proxy manager service
ps.exe — display process status
pscript.dll — active perl scripting engine
pushd * — push a directory onto a directory stack
pwd * — display working directory
pwd.exe — display working directory
pwrmgr — list and change power schemes
r * — edit and re-execute previous command
ranlib.exe — convert archives to random libraries — configures the rshd and rexecd services
read * — input a line to the KornShell
readonly * — mark KornShell variable as read-only
red.exe — line-oriented text editor
registry.exe — display and modify the Windows Registry Database
regps.ksh — register PScript for IIS and ASP
resh.exe — POSIX-compliant restricted shell and command interpreter
return* * — return from a shell function or . (dot) script
rev.exe — reverse character order of input lines
ripemd160sum — create and check message digests
rm * — remove files
rm.exe — remove files
rmdir * — remove directory
rmdir.exe — remove directory
rmshare.exe — remove share
sed.exe — stream editor (non-interactive)
sendevent.exe — send events to the current window such as keystrokes, mouse movemovement, and clicks
service.exe — manage Windows NT/2000 services
set * — set KornShell flags and positional parameters
sh.exe — POSIX-compliant shell and command interpreter
sha1sum — create and check message digests
shasum — create and check message digests
shexec — perform Windows operation on an application, document, or folder
shift * — shift KornShell positional parameters
shopt* * — control optional shell behaviour
shortcut.exe — create an explorer shortcut file
showrgb.exe ‡ — uncompile an rgb color-name database
shutdown.exe — shut down the system with warning
sid.exe — display user's security identifier
size.exe — display object file sizes
sleep.exe — suspend execution for a specified time
smproxy.exe ‡ — session manager proxy
smtpmail.exe — send mail using SMTP
snetnews.exe — send and receive encrypted network news messages
snmpbulkget.exe — communicate with a network entity using SNMP BULK GET requests
snmpbulkwalk.exe — communicate with a network entity using SNMP BULK WALK requests
snmpdelta.exe — monitor deltas of integer valued SNMP variables
snmpdf.exe — get a listing of disk space usage on a remote machine via SNMP
snmpget.exe — communicate with a network entity using SNMP GET requests
snmpgetnext.exe — communicate with a network entity using SNMP GET NEXT requests
snmpinform.exe — send an SNMP TRAP message to a host
snmpnetstat.exe — show network status using SNMP
snmpset.exe — communicate with a network entity using SNMP SET requests
snmpstatus.exe — retrieve important information from a netowrk entity
snmptable.exe — obtain and print an SNMP table
snmptest.exe — communicate with a network entity using SNMP GET requests
snmptranslate.exe — translate SNMP OID values into more useful information
snmptrap.exe — send an SNMP TRAP message to a host
snmptrapd.exe — service to receive and log SNMP trap messages
snmpusm.exe — create and maintain SNMPv3 users on a remote entity
snmpvacm.exe —
snmpwalk.exe — communicate with a network entity using SNMP GET NEXT requests
sort.exe — sort/merge utility
source * — execute Shell script in current environment
spell.exe — detect spelling errors
split.exe — split a file into manageable pieces
start.exe — start a new program in another window
stat.exe — retrieve and display file information in a similar manner as the stat() function
strerror.exe — display a system error message
strings.exe — display printable strings in binary files
strip.exe — remove debug information from executable files
stty.exe — set or display terminal options
su.exe — substitute user
sum.exe — compute checksum and block count for file
sync.exe — update the disk
sysinf.exe — display technical system information
tail.exe — display last lines of a file
tar.exe — USTAR-compatible tape archiver to copy and back up files
taskrun.exe — set up standard input for command, run command, and save output
tb * — modify KornShell Windows toolbar on Windows 95/98.
tclsh.exe — simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tee.exe — clone output stream
test * — test for condition
test.exe — test for condition
tic.exe — the terminfo entry-description compiler tic - the terminfo entry-description compiler
time * — display CPU and elapsed times for commands
time.exe — display CPU and elapsed times for commands
times * — display user and system times used by the KornShell and its children
tksched.exe — MKS Toolkit Scheduler
touch * — change file modification date
touch.exe — change file modification date
tput.exe — initialize a terminal or query terminfo database tput - initialize a terminal or query terminfo database
tr.exe — translation filter
trap * — intercept abnormal conditions and interrupts
true — format documents
true.exe * — do nothing, successfully
truss.exe § — trace command
tset.exe — terminal initialization tset, reset - terminal initialization
tsort.exe — topological sort
tty.exe — display terminal name
twm.exe ‡ — Tab Window Manager for the X Window System
type * — identify how KornShell interprets name
typeset * — assign attributes and values to KornShell variables
ugrep.ksh — search for regular expressions from a dialog box
umask * — get or set the file mode creation mask
umount.exe — unmount file systems
unalias * — remove alias definitions
uname * — display system name information
uname.exe — display system name information
uncname.exe — return the UNC name for a specified file
uncompre.exe — undo compression of a file
uncompress.exe — undo compression of a file
unexpand.exe — compress spaces into tabs
uniq.exe — display unique lines of sorted file
units.exe — units conversion utility
unpack.exe — decode Huffman packed files
unset * — remove KornShell variable or function
unzip.exe — list, test, and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
url.exe — parse Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
userinfo.exe — manage Windows NT/2000 user information
uudecode.exe — decode file encoded with uuencode
uuencode.exe — encode a file in 7-bit characters
vdiff32.exe — compare two text files and show differences
vi.exe — display-oriented interactive text editor
view.exe — read only version of VI
viw.exe — Windows version of VI
vpax.exe — (Visual Pax) graphical interface to pax, cpio, and tar archives
wait * — wait for process to complete
wc.exe — count of newlines, words, bytes, and characters
wcopy.exe — copy from a specified file or standard input to the Windows clipboard
web.exe — transfer files to or from a web server
whence * — identify how KornShell interprets command name
whereis.exe — display full path name for executable command
which.exe — display full path name for executable command
who.exe — display information about current users
whoami.exe — display username
winctrl.exe — resize, close, change focus, and otherwise manipulate windows and dialog boxes
windir.exe — display names and paths of Windows directories
wpaste.exe — write clipboard text to standard output or a specified file
ws.exe — display the name of the current workstation or desktop
wstart.exe — start a new program in another window
wts.exe — execute commands at a later time
x11perf.exe ‡ — X11 server performance test program
xargs.exe — construct and execute command lines
xauth.exe ‡ — X authority file utility
xclipboard.exe ‡ — X clipboard client
xclock.exe ‡ — analog / digital clock for X
xcmsdb.exe ‡ — device colour characterization utility for X color management system
xcutsel.exe ‡ — interchange between cut buffer and selection
xd.exe — formatted file dump
xdpyinfo.exe ‡ — display information utility for X
xfd.exe ‡ — display all the characters in an X font
xfindproxy.exe ‡ — locate proxy services
xhost.exe ‡ — server access control program for X
xkill.exe ‡ — kill a client by its X resource
xlogo.exe ‡ — X Window System logo
xlsatoms.exe ‡ — list interned atoms defined on server
xlsclients.exe ‡ — list client applications running on a display
xlsfonts.exe ‡ — server font list displayer for X
xmag.exe ‡ — magnify parts of the screen
xmbind.exe ‡ — configure virtual key bindings
xmodmap.exe ‡ — utility for modifying keymaps (and pointer buttons) in X
xprop.exe ‡ — property displayer for X
xrdb.exe ‡ — X server resource database utility
xrefresh.exe ‡ — refresh all or part of an X screen
xset.exe ‡ — user preference utility for X
xsetroot.exe ‡ — root window parameter setting utility for X
xsm.exe ‡ — X Session Manager
xstdcmap.exe ‡ — X standard color map utility
xwd.exe ‡ — dump an image of an X window
xwininfo.exe ‡ — window information utility for X
xwud.exe ‡ — image displayer for X
zcat.exe — uncompress and display data
zip.exe — package and compress (archive) files
zipinfo.exe — list detailed information about a zip archive

*   denotes a Shell built-in
†   denotes a groff command
‡   denotes a command which requires an X Server
§   denotes a command that applies only to NuTCRACKER Platform applications
¥   denotes a command whose binary and source code can be found in the Samples directory of the CD distribution or in the Resource Kit and is an example of porting UNIX source code with MKS Toolkit for Enterprise Developers